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会计资讯 2024年07月08日 13:09 42 财税会计达人





1. Advanced Financial Accounting

"Advanced Financial Accounting" course to financial accounting conceptual framework for the theoretical basis to the accounting information provided by its basic objectives, in accordance with the different forms of business organizations under the accounting business, the complexity of the business from the perspective of consolidated accounting statements introduce the theory and methods, business from the perspective of multinational companies introduce foreign currency business, foreign currency statements, price changes, segment reporting, as well as financial instruments, such as transnational business in the accounting issues, from the perspective of a special accounting introduce leasing, corporate restructuring and bankruptcy, human resources, such as accounting content .

Advanced financial accounting course objectives are: first, through the teaching of this course so that students master the advanced financial accounting of the basic concepts and major theories; Secondly, the master and special economic operations and the complexity of economic business-related accounting treatment; article Three, to enable students to know the new accounting field, at the forefront of studies of accounting issues; Fourth, through classroom teaching, case teaching, and so a variety of teaching methods to equip students with advanced accounting personnel should have the basic quality, with strong problem analysis and problem-solving abilities.

2. "Western financial accounting" is a modern financial accounting profession an elective courses. Through teaching, require students to better understand and master the theoretical knowledge of the Western financial accounting and accounting methods, content and technology specific application, combined with the characteristics of China's enterprises, from the actual situation, with practice, learn from the international economy, in accordance with international practice, to achieve improvement and enhance our country's accounting and financial management.

Course content: The main American companies introduce the basic financial accounting theory and basic methods. The main elements: financial accounting of the basic concepts; the principle of double-bookkeeping and accounting cycle; merchandise buying and selling businesses; cash income and expenditure operations; commercial accounts and commercial paper; inventory; long-term assets; tax liability; meet corporate bonds and bond investment; the company's shareholder rights; partnership rights of property owners; changes in financial position and cash flow statements; financial statements analysis; financial accounting in specific areas.

3. Management Accounting

At this course students must have the basic accounting, financial accounting basis, from the point of view of management decision-making, combined with accounting, statistics, math and other methods for processing the accounting information system for enterprise internal management services. Management accounting is to achieve the modernization of enterprise management tools, and modern management of enterprises are a key element. Through the study so that students can master the decision-making process in the enterprise the cost of the concept, the use of accounting information for product pricing, production, costs and investment decision-making, and manufacturing enterprises to control the production process in order to save costs and improve efficiency. Through studying this course so that students know not only an accounting information system, but also a management activity, thereby opening up horizons of students, enhance student decision-making on the cost and management of knowledge and understanding.

4. "Macroeconomics" category are financial and management professional must open the professional foundation courses. Macro-economic study to the entire national economy as a research object to study the decisions of economic aggregates and their changes. Specifically, is to study the decisions and changes in national income; long-term economic growth and short-term economic fluctuations; and the related inflation, unemployment and balance of payments and so on. Through the study of macroeconomic analysis of economic aggregates for the Government with a view to the formulation of macroeconomic policies and provide a theoretical basis.



资产 assets

流动资产 current assets

现金及约当现金 cash and cash equivalents

库存现金 cash on hand

零用金/周转金 petty cash/revolving funds

银行存款 cash in banks

在途现金 cash in transit

约当现金 cash equivalents

其它现金及约当现金 other cash and cash equivalents

短期投资 short-term investment





1、accounting; accountancy(会计工作)

2、 accountant; bookkeeper(会计人员)






She has an appointment with her accountant ?

2、这个时候,会计溜了——带走了我所有的银行结算单、资金和收据。 ?

At this point, the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements, expenses and receipts. ?

3、本书旨在提供金融和会计方面的实用知识。 ?

This book was designed in order to provide a working knowledge of finance and accounts ?

4、会计及时卡住了这笔不必要的开支。 ?

The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time. ?

5、被解雇的管理人员包括前销售经理、主管和会计。 ?

The unemployed executives include former sales managers, directors and accountants.

6、他通常都把账册交给经理和会计们处理。 ?

For the most part he left the books to his managers and accountants .




1、Accounting Assistant?会计助理;

2、Accounting Clerk 记帐员;

3、Accounting Manager 会计部经理;

4、Accounting Stall 会计部职员;

5、Accounting Supervisor?会计主管;

6、Cashier 出纳员;

7、Financial Controller 财务主任;

8、Financial Reporter 财务报告人;


1、The?accounting?firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators.


2、How do?accounting?records operate?


3、The debate revolves around specific?accounting?techniques.?


4、There?was no love?lost?between?the?sales?and?the?accountingdepartments.?


5、 A?company's?accounting?records?must?be?open?for?inspection?at?all?times.?



补充 Accounting、accountancy、

accountant'sreport会计师报告;查账报告...accounting会计;会计学会计学 accountancy, accounting principles...会计学原理 Principle of Accountancy






欺诈性财务报告,是指刻意设计的具有误导性的财务报表。它的产生源于虚假记录(如 *** 控的库存记录)、不真实交易(虚构的销售)或者对各种不同会计政策的滥用。


顺便问一下,你看得是哪本外文教材《Finacial Aounting》?

Money Measure


- Recording of all business transactions in terms of money


- Money is only factor mon to all business transactions


- Basic unit of money determined by country in which business resides


- Exchange rates used to translate transactions from one currency to the other


关于会计的英文翻译 bookkeeping versus aounting









Aounting;aountancy;aountant;bookkeeper;bursar 都是会计的意思






1.ratio of expenses to revenue


2.ratio of money owed to total resources controlled


3.repaying amounts to creditors,plus interest


求英文翻译 有关会计的 谢谢

Aording to the new *** all and medium-sized enterprises standard, the *** all enterprise aounts for nearly 95 of legal person's total number of industrial enterprises; The final products of the *** all enterprise and value of the service aount for nearly 50 of national gross domestic product. But in the real work, the aounting bodies of enterprises of quite a few of schools are not very sound, aounting personnel have relatively low quality, every management system is not enough for the norm. Check and calculate for the aountant who standardizes the *** all enterprise, improve aounting information quality, our country made" the aounting system of *** all enterprise " in 2004. Do not raise the fund to what has been set up within the border to the outside, has managed the economic business of *** aller enterprises and taken the treatment method of simplifying. Reduced greatly by the work load of personnel's daily aounting of this financial aounting, can put more energy inside enterprises to control, financial affairs *** yze and make policy work e up, can verse invite aountant check and calculate the input of cost not merely, can improve aountant's predicting, *** ysis, decision ability and efficiency of *** all enterprise too. The difference with the British " reporting the financial report criterion of the subject *** all-scaly " is pared briefly on our country " aounting system of *** all enterprise " here.

会计制度 : aounting system

会计核算:aount/ aounting

会计准则: aounting postulates/aounting standards

标签: 会计课程用英语拼写_会计用英语怎么写?

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